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The Edina Asian American Alliance (EAAA) is an intergenerational, grassroots coalition of students, parents, and community members allied in deep commitment to our Asian and Asian American youth in Edina Public Schools (EPS) and the broader Edina community. â€‹


At its core, the Edina Asian American Alliance (EAAA) serves as a vehicle to build relations, support community, and support Edina Public Schools (EPS) and the city of Edina to fulfill their missions toward equity and inclusion. We envision: 


  • An Edina culture where all residents feel like they belong. 

  • An EPS learning community that succeeds in its mission toward advancing academic excellence, ensuring an equitable and inclusive school culture, and fostering a positive learning environment and whole student, family, staff, and teacher support.

  • An EPS learning community whose teachers and faculty reflect the diversity of the student body.

  • An EPS curriculum whose teachings speak to the histories and experiences of its diverse student body.

  • A clear and satisfactory process for when a student experiences racism that includes a straightforward pathway for reporting racist instances and maintaining transparent accountability.


In early March 2022, an anti-Asian and antisemitic social media incident involving Edina High School (EHS) students made the rounds online and gained Metro-wide attention. The Edina Public Schools (EPS) District’s initial response to the incident prompted a number of Asian Edina community responses and demands for timely and declarative action, including a public petition (submitted with approximately 450 signatories), an EHS student walkout (with approximately 200 student, parent, and community participants), as well as District-sponsored listening sessions, and on-the-ground communications. 


From these experiences, momentum, and clear need for ongoing work, by April 2022, what was initially an informal, grassroots coalition of parents, students, and community members deeply invested in our Asian Edina youth, formalized as the Edina Asian American Alliance (EAAA).

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